When I was in high school, I used to spend a good hour or so before bed just reading novels. It gave me a great sense of accomplishment and pleasure to finish a book (especially if it was good) and head over to the bookstore to pick out the next one.
Then I went to university and suddenly the time for pleasurable reading disappeared, and even less time in grad school. Lately I’ve picked up the habit again and rediscovering this little joy that I used to have . . .
Lately I finished this:
and started this:
I haven’t seen the the Benjamin Button movie, but after reading Fitzgerald’s short story, I would venture to guess that much was changed in its movie adaptation. Because if I were the screenwriter and I stayed true to the story, I think the movie would be about half an hour long. That’s all I’m saying. I don’t usually read collections of short stories but these were wonderful.
More Olympus XA-ness, this time from around the house:
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